Many consumers are not aware of the chemicals and dangers that lurk behind most cosmetic products. They either aren't aware or believe that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are regulating the products, but the truth is less than 20% of chemicals commonly found in cosmetics have been tested. These chemicals have been linked to cancer, birth defects, learning disabilities, asthma, and other illnesses. All of these toxic ingredients are getting into us, we absorb 60% of what we put on our skin into the bloodstream.
So you might say, just buy products claiming they're "natural" and "organic". But, these terms have no legal definition. Just because they say they are good for you, doesn't mean they are. And nobody is stopping that from happening. Even with all the evidence that these chemicals are harmful, there are no laws against them. Since 1938, the FDA has banned only ten out of thousands of toxic ingredients.
Right now, you're probably wondering how you can find safe products if the cosmetic industry is filled with so many toxins and lies. But don't worry, this blog will act as a guide to help you find natural and effective products. Today I'm going to be explaining what chemicals are lurking in your conventional products, what damage they can cause, and how to be aware of what you are putting in your body.
Use: man-made preservative
Risk: These chemicals are used in a variety of products such as cosmetics, lotions, creams, shampoos, and almost anything you can think of. They are known to be endocrine disruptors that interfere with glandular activity and hormone production. They can also lead to learning disorders and problems with the immune system.
Use: antibacterial/anti-fungal
Risk: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registers it as a pesticide, declaring it a high risk to both humans and the environment, and as a chlorophenol. This class of chemicals is suspected of causing cancer. It is known to disrupt hormones and can accumulate to toxic levels when stored in body fat.
Dienthanolamine (DEA)/Trienthanolamine (TEA)/Monoethanolomine (MEA)
Use: emulsifers/surfacants
Risk: These hormone-disrupting chemicals are carcinogens and can form cancer-causing nitrates and nitrosamines.
Propylene Glycol/Butylene Glycol
Use: humectant/surfacant/anti-fungal
Risk: They can easily penetrate the skin and weaken protein and cellular structures. They can cause abnormalities in the brain, liver, and kidneys. Propylene glycol especially is toxic. It has to be disposed by burying it in the ground and is strong enough to remove barnacles off of a boat.
Petrolatum/Mineral Oil/Petroleum/Polyethylene Glycol
Use: lubricant/thickener
Risk: These carcinogenic chemicals have been linked to allergic reactions, promoting acne and premature aging, and clogs pores. It also interferes with the skin's ability to eliminate and resist toxin. Plus, would you really want same chemical used to put gas in your car also used on your face?
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)/Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
Use: surfacant
Risk: This chemical is known to alter the skin structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin. Animals exposed to SLS experienced eye damage, diarrhea, skin irritation, and even death. It can also be transformed into carcinogenic nitrosamines.
Diazolidinyl Urea
Use: preservative
Risk: It releases formaldehyde, which can cause skin irritation, asthma, trigger heart palpitations, depression, headaches, chest pains, chronic fatigue, loss of sleep, ear infections, joint pains, and many other significant health problems.
So how can you avoid these toxic chemicals and more? Look at the label and do your research. If you don't recognize an ingredient, look up what it does, how it affects you, and any health concerns with it.
Stay Eco-chic